Wednesday, 1 July 2009


* Joseph Ting (则至) *

Being a parent is something I wanted, anticipated but nervous about. You never know how a child will grow up to be like. My “baby” is 7 years old now but it seems like not very long ago that she is my teddy bear. To hold, to hug, to cuddies and to carry around except now very heavy!

Aaah! The joy of early fatherhood. Babies are a bit more predictable. Time to eat, to sleep and to do their “thing”. Playtime is quite simple too.

Now, she talks a lot, sleeping time is a chore, sometimes choosing about her food (usually ok) and still do her “thing” but cleaning up is easier.

But as she grows up, she needs more attention and our responds needs to be more than just “Aaah!”, “Oooh!”, “Waaah!” or “Clever!”.

Well, we still use “clever” as encouragement but I try to spend more time talking to her because I feel that as parents, I need to understand her and to find her “pattern”. This way it will be easier to guide and if needed, to discipline. Young children are very naïve and we catch on to their lies easily but as they (and not to mentioned ourselves) grow up they lie better! So we need to be more alert and it helps to know their “pattern”, in terms of attitude, reactions & etc.

But more importantly I like to be her friend so that she can confide in me but she confide with her mum more because I am the “discipline teacher”.

Lately she told me that I hugged her less, which is true. That reminds me, I haven’t hugged her this morning. My daughter likes to give a hug or kiss every now and then. As adults my wife and I have to make some effort to remember, what with all the housework and her homework.

It’s important to teach young children good values at an early age and also to recognize and reject the bad. It’s not an easy task especially when we as parents say or do those things! That’s why it’s important to teach kids to say “I am sorry”, by doing the same when we ourselves say or do the wrong things. The problem is that lately I feel like say quite a lot of “I am sorry”, I wonder why!

My wife and I try to teach our daughter biblical values. It’s a slow process but as I said, we should start when they are young. Prayer at mealtimes and before sleep is quite normal but early morning prayers is a “rush” problem. We also teach her to pray in good times and in times of sickness and for others.

I feel that teaching children to pray is important because as they grow up, bible stories might become boring and greading “Revelations” is a blur, but to pray to God is to remember God and to seek Him. We will always have up and downs in life but prayer keeps us touch with God. What good is a broadband if we don’t use it. Always to ready to seek God and download from Him.

Like all relationships, frequent interaction creates a better communication and relationship. Frequent interaction with God is like using a broadband instead of a normal phone line.

Lastly, I like to share one of the most beautiful moments of parenting and that is to look at my daughter as she sleeps, peaceful, cute and like a little angel. But that last for 10 seconds we go off doing housework again.

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